
Akelian is a magical land in a lost age of the Earth, created by ancient creatures and inhabited by captivating elves-and this is the world that young twins Demetri and Darion call home. They may know a precious little about it, but this doesn’t stop them from having a million questions that they’re just burning to get answered. How did the ancient creatures create such a majestic world? Where do the elves get their spectacular command over nature? Why does their family love the elves so much, when all other humans seem to hate them? The answers all seem to lie with their mischievous grandmother and her strange book of Elvish Legends. . . Spend a summer with wild Demetri and sarcastic Darion as they explore the forests that they call home, searching for the one thing every eleven-year-old boy wants: a secret hideout. But what will they learn about their world-and themselves-along the way?